Tin Whistle
Grainne is one of our Tin Whistle Tutors.
Grainne plays Tin Whistle as part of a Grupa Cheoil and has competed in the Fleadh at all-Ireland level, having been Ulster Champions twice.
Grainne has been one of our Tin whistle tutors for a number of years. She started a class teaching pupils in Edmund Rice College to learn the Tin Whistle 2 years ago during the school day and has encouraged pupils to attend her evening class on Thursdays to develop their skills further and progress with the instrument efficiently.
As well as the Tin Whistles class within the school, Grainne also successfully looks after their Trad group, teaching the children a variety of tunes that they are then able to perform at school events throughout the year such as open night, special assemblies and prize night.