With 4 classes remaining of Term 1, it has been decided to move to online classes due to the significant increase in Covid-19 within the population.
It is also unfortunate that we must delay the classes until the 13 January 2022 - so there are no classes on the 6 January.
The term will end on the 3 February, with Term 2 commencing on the 10 February 2022.
An email to pupils' guardians has been issued to advise of this change.
The GSOTM committee hope you understand why we are taking this course of action which is in the interests of the safety of the whole #GSOTM community.
We wish to reassure pupils/parents who have not been part of an online class
previously that when we held these last year that the feedback from both pupils/parents and the teachers was extremely positive.
We would much prefer to have face-to-face classes to allow the interaction between teacher/pupil and between pupils that this provides however in relation to teaching any particular instrument the online classes have proven to be a more than useful substitute.
Please do not hesitate to contact via the GSOTM website or our Facebook page if you have any queries.